Murgi Ki Kaleji is normally made as a BBQ item. Many people take it as a unique dish, but chicken liver is not good for your health at all. Liver is an organ used to cleanse and purify blood. This organ gets directly affected by the feed a chicken takes. For example: if a chicken is given wrong poultry feed or given antibiotic injections then the liver will be directly affected by this. The organ can get diseased due to feed and may have many toxins in it. Whenever, we make Kaleji, the toxins can get mixed with curry or rice. This can be really damaging for our health and can cause serious issues.
The amount of Vitamin A in chicken liver is too much for pregnant women. As such, women should avoid chicken liver throughout their pregnancy. When improperly stored or prepared, chicken liver pate can cause food poisoning or infection. A bacteria known as campylobacters can grow and cause illness when chicken liver pate is not properly washed and heated.
There are many risks associated with Broiler Chicken Liver and I recommend my audience not to use it as a dish. Your health is really important for your quality life and I recommend you to make right choices about your food selection.
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