I started to research PCOS and came to the conclusion that mine was not the typical pcos.. Mine was because of my body being in fight or flight mode.. which means my body was under constant stress. I never felt mentally super stressed so it was hard te understand this, but my life consisted of travelling all the time (no biorhythm), working out every day, eating super clean (restricting foods). I think I pressured my body to much, and honestly every body is so different but I think my weight was not good for my body to function properly and couldn’t handle the constant traveling.
This was the point where I started to research natural healing for PCOS and came to the conclusion that I should do way less high intensity training, don’t restrict foods, be nice to myself, and take breaks when needed. I also tried some natural supplements, acupuncture and we got a place back in the Netherlands as well, so we could spend more time with Family (since im such a family person).
I’m so happy and grateful to say that I got my period back last november AND that WE’RE SOON A FAMILY OF THREE ❤ ❤❤❤
& to the women trying to conceive, believe in yourself and be nice for yourself and your body and don’t let those thoughts get to you to much π
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