
Biblical History is largely about people of color

Biblical History is largely about people of color If you are new here Welcome! Please take note that all of our historical analysis, claims, and challenges are done so within the parameters of Dr. Francisco Gil White’s Historical and Investigative Research (HIR) method. You can educate yourself on the HIR method here:

Video: The Bible is largely about people of color

See “Return of the Medjay” [“Neferkhewe” article from Yahoo News]:

See Alice Linsley's article on the Edo Yoruba and their likely Biblical connection:

See “Counter response to Ashkenazi denials of Black Israel”:

See “The 12 Tribes of Israel Where are God's "Chosen" People Scattered?”:

See “Shiloh 123” (January 2015):

See PLOS genetic article showing that The Ashkenazi Jews are “Afripeans”:

See article October 30, 2014 update to “New Research Finds Jews Have African Ancestry” by Nadra Kareem Nittle August 11, 2011 Ra:

See “I (Eye) 13 ancient Kemetic ~ Israelite Illuminati”:

See “African doubling sequence embedded in the Koran”:

See “Who programs the programmer?”:

See “Ancient Egyptian Roots of the Principia Hermetica” by Wim van den Dungen:

See “Waking the Black Israelites of the Diaspora”:


See "Rabbi Ralph Messer teaching that the original Jews are black":

See "Ashkenazi Jew speaks the truth Black people are 12 Tribes of Israel1":

See "The Found Tribes of Israel":


See "Waking Israel ~ Supermoon lunar eclipse completion of the Tetrad":

Also consider:

Dr. William Dever “Did God have a Wife?:

Dr. Dierk Lange:

DNA Tribes Ramses III sub-Saharan African DNA:

DNA Tribes 18th Dynasty Akhenaton and King Tut and sub-Saharan African DNA:

See Robert Feather’s “Where Moses Stood” lecture:

See Alice Linsley's “Just Genesis” for a biblical archaeological view of the modern day Israelite resonance found throughout Western Africa:

“The Edomites [Yorubaland] , along with the Jebusites [Yorubaland], appear to have belonged to the Horite Confederation [Heliopolitan Priesthood] which originated in the Upper Nile region. This is the homeland of Abraham's ancestors and is called Kush in Genesis 10. From ancient Kush, the peoples spread in many directions. Some live today in Nigeria and Benin as the Edo or Idu”:

“Likewise, the Biblical Jebusites [Yorubaland] have living descendants in Nigeria. They are called the Ijebu [Yorubaland]. The Jebusites built and controlled Jerusalem. Melchizedek was the priest-king of Jerusalem in Abraham's time. Very likely he and Abraham were kin”:

See Dr. Clyde Winters African Origins of Writing” Part 1:

See Dr. Winters “The African Origins of Writing” Part 2:

~ The new church has no walls ~

~ The new school has no walls ~

This has been an Ancestral Production

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