For Sagittarius during September 2020 (Last Quarter) I do a 10 card general love tarot reading. I pull 3 cards to represent your energy, 3 cards to represent your prospect love energy, and 4 cards to provide some intuitive clues on how your energies may connect. Some intuitive messages are very positive and some are cautionary! They are driven by the tarot cards I see and the intuitive focus on your horoscope sign. Some messages may resonate with your horoscope sign, and some may not. That is the nature of a general tarot reading.
Now let’s look together Sagittarius at the spread we are doing today (the 10 card love and relationship spread), and the questions we are trying to answer. Description of the 10 Card Love and Relationship Tarot Reading Spread. What do the 10 Tarot Cards Tell Us?
3 Questions related to Your 3 tarot cards, IF they resonate with You. For This Week’s reading:
1-What could be the message for you with respect to Love & Relationships (Relationship Aura)?
2-What could be the message for your core / overall current energy?
3-How both energies manifest with respect to Love and Relationships? With a Prospect or Current partner.
3 Questions related to Your Love Prospect or Partner’s 3 tarot cards. For This Week’s reading, and IF this were my prospect’s or partner’s energy What Could be the message about their:
1-Your Love Prospect Or Partner’s Relationship Aura?
2-Their Core / overall current energy?
3-How Their character would manifest in a relationship with You?
4 Questions based on Intuitive messages for the 4 tarot cards about the Relationship / Couples Energy
IF the above resonates, What Energies do you Both Bring to the Relationship??
What Intuitive Guiding Love & Relationship Messages Can we get from all 4 cards??
Tarot Spread and questions designed by Marwan Elkordy
I hope you Sagittarius horoscope tribe like the video. Love it if you comment and PLEASE SUBSCRIBE. We Do Love You Madly.