
Chen Xu Testing Energy Alignment at the 34th Daqingshan Practical Method Seminar on Oct. 2, 2020

Chen Xu Testing Energy Alignment at the 34th Daqingshan Practical Method Seminar on Oct. 2, 2020 第三十四届大青山实用拳法讲座陈旭试劲20201002.
Some of the students who are new to practical method at the seminar requested to feel Chen Xu’s Taiji energy. This occurred in the morning of October 2, 2020. So this is not real Push-Hands and not real fighting. Chen Xu displayed in this video how he can control the opponents energy flow it and sometimes stop it before the opponent is able to issue any power.
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chen zhonghua,taiji,tai chi,push hands,hong junsheng,

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