
Today we cover that people said hacked rather than elon was on something 馃憤 progress yay!

Today we cover that people said hacked rather than elon was on something 馃憤 progress yay! TODAY ON TWITTER

Today we cover that people said hacked rather than elon was on something 馃憤 progress yay!

Amber was an Epstein prostitute and was paid to set up Elon 馃槬 possibly paid to ruin Johnny to 馃

Then we have some more fake tweets sadly

Read this article! It's important!

#Azaeliabanks #subpoenaed #drama
#grifter #420trial #drugaddict #boycottgrimes #teslaq #tesla

Don't believe the hype!

Stay safe and healthy out there

Remember to support small businesses and artists of all kinds during this crisis please

Tesla case #420trial 3:18-cv-04865

GRIMES IS 100% NOT PREGNANT just a blackmailing grifter hurting Elon as much as possible

TY all so much for your support I am grateful for every single1of you, yes YOU reading watching this too!

Help by unfollowing grimes, and by sharing or liking any posts here or on boycottgrimes on Twitter please! Go #teamElon

Claire/Grimes IS 100% NOT PREGNANT!
Please wake up and realize that Elon NEVER CHOSE CLAIRE/GRIMES TO BE A PART OF HIS LIFE! His PR Rep even confirms this in a video! He was set up from day one! Claire/Grimes has been blackmailing him since the Met date May 2018!

#claireboucher #grimes #grimezsz #deleteforever #delete #rippedoff most of her #song from other #artists #listenclose #boycottgrimes #lawsuits against her!But her using&abusing others is nothing new!She has bn #blackmailing @elonmusk #teamElon since #metgala #may2018 5/18 we now have 3 who have #spokenout #abuse #roofying #grifter #NDA #bully #bullying #mean #using #drugaddict #loser #thief #liar #pregnant #notpregnant #stolen #careerisover


Keep spreading the word please! Let's get justice for Elon for all the hell that Claire/Grimes has put him through!

Anyone can be abused. Anyone. has done some great investigative research to show how grimes music career right now is being funded/sponsored by the same people Tesla is suing for stealing their technologies. And more indepth proof to show that she has never been his girlfriend because she is only in this for herself to promote herself From The Very Beginning!Elon actually has another life on waiting for him and has been on hold since May 2018. After the 420 trial hopefully Claire/Grimes will be shunned and in prison for the greedy manipulative, blackmailer, goofier, grifter that she truly is. She has never really been his girlfriend just an abusive, roofying, blackmailing grifter. He has tried to get rid of her since May 2018 when their "joke Twitter date" went all wrong and she began emotionally bullying and roofying him because she liked the attention from being his "girlfriend" but she never really was. And she is also paid by his enemies to make his life as miserable as possible until the 420 trial as well as demanding money monthly from Elon too as part of her blackmailing. She knows she is worthless and can't get a real boyfriend so she has to keep pretending. #boycottgrimes #teamElon #elonmusk #grimes #claire #claireboucher #420trial #aug7th #august7th #elon #pedoguy #cancer #missanthropocene #livewhileyouarestillalive #fuckcancer #miss #anthropocene #Boucher #grimesbaby #grimeselon


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