This swing key is so IMPORTANT that it determines your contact point PLUS the rest of your golf swing reacts around it. Keeping the weight forward in your setup and throughout the golf swing helps you to accomplish three AMAZING golf swing fundamentals for better ball striking. Keeping the Weight Forward in the swing enables you to:
1. Establish ONE CONTACT POINT for insane ball striking consistency. If you want to have the club hit the ball in the same spot every time, this is how you can do that! It will also help you take lovely divots in front of the ball and eliminate fat shots from your game, FOREVER.
2. Allows the Hips to Turn Effortlessly to give you an easy 90 degrees of shoulder turn without doing so much work. Simply put, the weight forward gives your FREE hip turn which equals FREE POWER AND CONSISTENCY. It is one of the biggest BODY-FRIENDLY golf swing moves you could ever do. The less tension and stress you feel, the more body-friendly and effortless your swing will be. This is a great tip for senior players and golfers with limited mobility.
3. Allows the LEAD SHOULDER TO TURN DOWN. By keeping the weight forward, the hips are enabled to turn which allows the lead shoulder to turn down, maintaining your relationship with the golf ball throughout the swing. It's one of the biggest keys for great contact and THE KEY to consistently good contact all day long. The best ball strikers have a relationship with the golf ball in the swing by turning their lead shoulder down!
If you want the clean impact shot after shot, do yourself a favor and put the weight forward. I was skeptical at first because the concept went contrary to everything I had been taught in golf instruction. Turns out, since doing this, I've been playing my best golf. I want to share the same feeling of excellent ball striking contact with you too!
If you're looking for a step-by-step way to achieve this type of contact, head over to my online golf school - saguto.golf - and start making the most out of the game you love!
Access Tom's ULTIMATE Golf Swing Training Program and Instructional Library -
I am Tom Saguto, PGA Member and founder of SagutoGolf. Thank you for visiting my instructional page where you can find how to get on the fast track to improving your golfing abilities. Whether you are a seasoned golfing veteran looking for a quick swing tune-up after an on-course emergency, or a beginner just looking to get the most out of your golfing experience, I am here to help you achieve your golfing goals.
My mission as your swing doctor is simple, to help you maximize your enjoyment in game of golf. Because, let’s face it, golf is a hard game.
My philosophy is wholly based on the student having a fun, meaningful experience in a frustrating and complicated game where potential lifelong golfers either quit because it is too difficult or that they experience some form of swing-related pain or discomfort. I mitigate these problems by focusing entirely on the student’s needs and goals while teaching a golf swing method that ultimately takes stress off of the common pain areas of the swing.
Tom Saguto's personal website: www.sagutogolf.com
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