Dalila's blog—"By My Strand—I Know His Hand": uses the metaphor of a ball of yarn and a maker's hand to communicate spiritual truth. The truth of the Lord's love, care and concern for the weak and the product of our surrender into His hand: walking into His divine plan and purposes for our lives.
Dalila's narration shares her journey of surrender. What she's learned. What she's learning. Who she is becoming. Encouraging you and inspiring you to embrace your journey.
Blog: "By My Strand—I Know His Hand"
About Dalila.
In her short story—true story—ebook "Purposely Counted: We're In the Making"—Dalila's testimony champions God's truth: inciting the hopeless off of the shelf—and into the plans and purposes God has created for them. Reminding you that—you matter. Reminding you that—you are known, loved and matter to God.
You can receive a free copy of her short—story true story—Purposely Counted: We're In the Making by visiting: purposelycounted.com
Free copies are available in both ebook and audiobook editions!
In celebration of the release of her debut poetry collection: "Hand-In-Hand: A Poetry Collection—you can receive a free ebook edition by simply subscribing to her email list at puposelycounted.com. This offer is for a limited time only!
"Hand-In-Hand: A Poetry Collection"—is available for purchase in paperback edition!