This video is about how to get your keys organized for suit entry. How to use a Jailers Key Ring to organize your keys before you go and attempt to gain access to suits you manage.
Hi, it's Paul Cook from CBM Services, and I have a pro tip for you when it comes to organizing your keys when we make suite entries. There's nothing worse than trying to get into the suites. You've got a technician waiting, you're completely disorganized, and everybody's standing there watching you. You can organize all your keys on this particular ring. You can also get them in different sizes. That's one of the small ones. This is the large one right here. These key rings, they come apart. You just twist it like this and it just pops open. You slide all your keys on, one at a time and then lock it back up, and then you've got them ready to go for when you do suite entries. Organize them so they are from the first door that you're going to enter to the last door that you can enter. So when you're using them, you bring them up like this, open, and then you can just slide it over and then continue on with the next one.
Here is an example of a Jailers Ring and were you can find it on Amazon.
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