
Heard in the Milky Way --Europa's Alien Ocean to Earth's Life Beyond the Solar System

Heard in the Milky Way --Europa's Alien Ocean to Earth's Life Beyond the Solar System This episode of "Heard in the Milky Way" covers the possibilities of the coronavirus pandemic providing the human species with a renewed cosmic perspective that mirrors Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot speech to the very real possibility of life in Europa’s global ocean to an epic Stone Age voyage of discovery to never-before seen viruses hidden in a Tibetan Glacier.

Sources: Avi Loeb, Can the Universe Provide Us with the Meaning of Life? Scientific American; Did Life from Earth Escape the Solar System Eons Ago? Scientific American.

Video Credits:
European Southern Observatory, ESOcast video, Supernova to the End of the Universe, via Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Image Credits:

BBC. The Day the Dinosaurs Died. and Pixabay images.


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