
Can CORONAVIRUS end the IRAN regime? - VisualPolitik EN

Can CORONAVIRUS end the IRAN regime? - VisualPolitik EN Iran is one of the countries most affected by SARS Coronavirus 2. Add to this the fact that they have been isolated from the international market for more than two years, with economic crises and without the ability to make international transactions, and we have the recipe for colossal humanitarian misfortune. It's not just that they have tens of thousands of infected people, they have fewer resources to treat the sick than any European country.

Faced with such a situation, both Hassan Rouhani and Ayatollah Khamenei tried to hide the problem until it was too late.

As if that were not enough, Iran has rejected international aid: both from the United States and from NGOs and Doctors Without Borders. In other words, Iran wants to solve the biggest health crisis of the 21st century on its own... Despite having no means to do so. Why do we say that Iran is failing in its fight with the coronavirus? What consequences can Covid-19 have for the Ayatollah regime? In this video, we tell you all about it.

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VISUALPOLITIK,ENGLISH,simon whistler,coronavirus,sars-cov-2,coronavirus crisis,islamic republic of iran,covid-19,Ali Khamenei,iraj harirchi,pandemics,iranian politics,how to manage coronavirus crisis,global crisis,iran crisis,crisis in iran,iran in crisis,iranian crisis,coronavirus infected,

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