
How to Stop Going to Food When Times Are Tough

How to Stop Going to Food When Times Are Tough How To Stop Going To Food When Times Are Tough: Join the 30-day Overcome Overeating Challenge Now to eliminate food stress, conquer cravings and breakfree from overeating while stuck at home:

Is Quarantine Life Making You Stress-Eat?

Are you breaking your head trying to come up with ways to get through homebound times without raiding your fridge?

This quarantine situation is still going but how are YOU holding up? If you’re like many women in my community, the answer might be “IDK.”

You might find your emotions all over the place. One moment full of hope, the next full of panic that this might all go on forever.

I’ve had plenty of emotional ups and downs myself. Sometimes I'm excited that I have all this time to focus on serving our community. Other times, it’s full-out fear and anxiety about everything.

Can you relate?

Mixed emotions are running rampant for all of us. You might feel fear, anxiety, boredom, or uncertainty one minute. Then the next, suddenly feel like everything is gonna be ok. Then go back into freakout mode before you knew what happened...

If you struggle with food, this emotional ride likely results in one thing...a trip to the cabinet. (Where all those quarantine chips, cookies, and candy are waiting to take over your day…)

So how do you stop letting food be your go-to solution when your homebound emotions are on a rampage? Stay with me and I’ll show you how to make sure that lockdown stress doesn’t leave you elbow-deep in a bag of chips!

Because let's be real. Life is stressful enough now. You don't need food anxiety making your world any crazier than it already is, #amiright?

In This Video You’ll Learn:
- Emotions: the ups and downs we’re all having right now (0:51)
- Proactive and reactive things you can do (01:46)
- The Proactive steps to keep emotional eating at bay (02:00)
- Two steps clearing and releasing emotions so they don’t drive you to eat (03:20)
- An important question to ask yourself before you reach for food (and what to do next) (07:42)
- Why it’s important to acknowledge emotions (before they turn into stories) (08:39)

Find out how to make food one less source of stress in these wild times. Watch the full video and I'll show you how!

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Thank you so much for your support and helping us make an impact!

All the love,
Brittany Brown

PS: Don’t forget to join our 30-day Overcome Overeating Challenge:

Learn more about us and our mission at:

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beating binge eating,brittany brown,food freedom forever,Binge eating disorder,stop binge eating,binge eating treatment,binge eating symptoms,binge eating help,binge eating recovery,eating disorder recovery,eating disorder treatment,emotional eating disorder,stop emotional eating,emotional eating help,emotional eating recovery,how to stop overeating,Compulsive eating disorder,How To Stop Going To Food When Times Are Tough,

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