![Wood Turning Sharpen Your Bowl Gouge Easily Repeatable (Vari jig settings in Description) Wood Turning Sharpen Your Bowl Gouge Easily Repeatable (Vari jig settings in Description)](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/usUPdJHp064/maxresdefault.jpg)
This is how I easily sharpen my bowl gouge and how I repeat the setup time after time.
I have been asked a number of times so I decided I would make this video.
I use the very first notch on the vari jig coming from the bottom. You can use others but still need to maintain the other settings consistently.
May not be how others do it but it is how I do it and it works great.:
Luie's Channel woodworking 220-7
Huw's Channel Wooden-It-Be-Nice
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