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Our planet holds so many wonders, secrets, and treasures waiting to be explored. However, there are
some places that are just too dangerous, too protected, too fragile or wild, or maybe even too special to
visit. In this video, we're going to show you the top ten places you're not allowed to visit. Make sure to
stick around for another shocking Soviet Union secret.
Now, number 10 might seem a bit weird. What could be so precious that Coca-Cola would seal off a
vault and refuse to let people in. It’s literally just soda, right? Well, you might be wrong on that front.
Now, here’s something that’s quite interesting. The recipe for Coca-Cola is considered one of the best-
kept secrets in the world and they keep it secret by stowing it away in a large security vault. Since the
recipe was first created in the late ‘80s in Atlanta by biochemist John Pemberton, Coca-Cola has
jealously guarded it with all they’ve got.
In 2011, the company decided to move the famous Coca-Cola recipe to an Atlanta museum, but while
many tourists visit the facilities each year, few and exclusive are the people who can get through the
doors of the vault.
I really don’t think it’s possible to miss North Korea on a list of places where you’re not allowed to do
things. Also referred to as Bureau 39, Office 39, or Division 39, Room 39 is a secretive building that the
North Korean government has committed to securing foreign currency for the nation’s leaders.
Room 39 was created some time in the late ‘70s, and is said to be located inside the Workers' Party
building in Pyongyang, taking its name, according to some sources, from the office it occupied at the
party headquarters in its early days. The organization is estimated to bring in between $500 million to
$1 billion per year or more and may be involved in illegal activities, such as counterfeiting $100 bills,
producing controlled substances, sales of weapons, and even international insurance fraud.
It's speculated that Room 39 could be behind the sophisticated counterfeiting of $100 "supernote" bills
that were issued over decades. Although there isn't much official data on the room due to the secrecy of
its activities, this network of companies present in various parts of the world is estimated to have been
able to contribute up to $2 billion a year to North Korea. Still, we’ll never really know because this is one
of the most secret organisations in arguably the world's most secretive state.
North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands, an archipelago in the Bay of Bengal which also
includes South Sentinel Island. While the rest of the islands in this archipelago are somewhat larger and
better known, North Sentinel, full of mangroves and surrounded by coral, has remained virtually
untouched by the outside world. It might sound like paradise but the island couldn't be further from it.
If you take a look at a map or a globe, you might be quick to assume that its geography is the reason
why it is one of the most isolated places on Earth. This island remains one of the most “untouched”
because it is inhabited by one of the world's few remaining uncontacted tribes. The indigenous people
of this island, referred to as the Sentinelese, have had practically no influence from the modern world.
As they have voluntarily rejected any contact from the outside or modern world
For as long as history has kept record, every encounter with the population has been met with violence.
In 2006, they killed two fishermen whose boat had been dragged by the current to their shores. In fact,
in more recent probes, it seems that the Sentinelese have put up a three-mile restriction zone that
crosses the island to prevent visitors from entering the territory. With those kinds of measures, it’s no
wonder that the Indian government has stopped trying to make contact with them. Honestly, I would
say just leave them alone too.
Off the coast of Brazil, there is a beautiful island, with tropical weather, rainforests and great coastline.
It’s too bad neither you nor anyone else really can go there. Formally known as Ilha da Queimada
Grande, snake island is deemed an uninhabitable island that is located just off the Brazilian coastline,
roughly 20 miles from the shore of Sao Paulo.
Estimates claim that there is one snake for every three square feet in some spots. Wondering how all
those snakes got trapped there?