
Bulky Uterus | Its Symptoms, Causes & Treatments | Dr Sweta Gupta

Bulky Uterus | Its Symptoms, Causes & Treatments | Dr Sweta Gupta An enlarged uterus is common and can be a symptom of a variety of medical conditions, some of which require treatment.

What is a Bulky Uterus?
A bulky uterus is a generalised swelling of the uterine walls. It means the size of the uterus is more than normal.

What are the symptoms of Bulky Uterus?
A woman can be unaware that she has an enlarged uterus. Most often, women discover they have a problem during a pelvic exam.

It is possible a woman may notice a bloated belly or that clothes seem too tight, but for most, a diagnosis of an enlarged uterus is unexpected.
The most common bulky uterus symptoms are:

• Irregular periods
• Pressure on the uterus
• Bleeding after menopause
• Quick urge to urinate
• Heaviness in the abdomen

What are the causes of Bulky Uterus?
The most common reason for the uterus to enlarge is pregnancy.

Adenomyosis is the diffuse thickening of the uterus that happens when the endometrium, i.e. the tissue coating the uterus, moves into the external muscle mass of the uterus.

This condition is usually found in females who are above the age of 30 and particularly in them who have had a previous uterine medical procedure or have given birth to a baby through C-section.

Fibroids might be asymptomatic or may cause heavy and painful menstrual cycles. Fibroids likewise put weight on the bladder and the rectum, causing a frequent urge to urinate.

Perimenopause is referred to as the stage before menopause. Fluctuating hormone levels during this stage may cause the uterus to enlarge.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a medical condition that can make the uterus grow. It is the aftereffect of hormonal imbalance that leads to abnormal menstruation cycle and the shedding of the endometrial lining.

Ovarian cysts are either solid or fluid-filled sacs that develop on the surface of an ovary or inside it. These are usually asymptomatic and go on their own. However, in some cases, these structures can bring about various health complications, including the enlargement of the uterus.

Uterine cancers can sometimes cause the uterus to enlarge, thus resulting in a bulky uterus. Generally, this problem happens in females 50 years or above in age, as found in a report by the USA’s National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Treatment of Bulky Uterus
The treatment depends on the cause of the condition. Some of the treatment options are:

For Adenomyosis: It can be medically managed with drugs like ibuprofen and combined hormonal (oestrogen-progesterone) contraception pills. It can help soothe the pain and excessive bleeding related to adenomyosis. In some complicated cases, your specialist may prescribe a hysterectomy.

For Fibroids: Fibroids that are large and expand the uterus will presumably require some restorative treatment. Your specialist may recommend contraception pills that contain oestrogen and progesterone or an IUD. These pills may stop the development of the fibroids and reduce the bleeding during the period.

For Reproductive Cancers: Cancers or tumours of the uterus and endometrium are regularly treated with radiation, chemotherapy, surgery or a blend of these procedures.

It is vital for women to have routine pelvic exams with a gynaecologist to identify any issues early and save yourself from any future problems. Several reasons for a bulky uterus aren’t very serious, yet they can be discomforting and ought to be considered.


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