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This webinar focuses on the basics of how to best display quantitative information visually in order to convey meaning. It begins with an introduction to quantitative information, including a discussion of the different types of data that can be presented in graphs and how relationships are formed between them. This is followed by fundamental concepts of graphs, in which we will discuss the different types of graphs, and guidelines for when to use what kind of graph. Part three covers visual perception and quantitative communication; we'll learn about the visual display of quantitative information from a cognitive standpoint, including the limitations and strengths of human visual perception. Finally, we will end with a discussion of general design for communication, discussing general principles of best practice related to design of graphs in order to keep the message clear and avoid confusion.
Presenter: Joyce Chapman is the Assessment Coordinator at Duke University Libraries, co-founder and leader of the Digital Library Federation Assessment group, and data analysis and community development specialist for the open source assessment software. Prior to working at Duke, she was the Consultant for Data Analysis and Communication at the State Library of North Carolina. She is a member of the editorial board for the journals "Evidence Based Library and Information Practice" and "Performance Measurements and Metrics."