
Be Aware Of Your Believes Bad Believes Can Be fatal

Be Aware Of Your Believes Bad Believes Can Be fatal Are you one of them who grew up believing that the earth is round like I did and many others still do? Which other believes do you have growing up? Maybe a black cat brings you bad luck or maybe your grew up believing it mast bee true because you saw on TV?

How I come to understand what a believe is or what it means to believe.
I grew up believing that the earth is round, why? because I was told so since I was a little child and I never question why is the earth round or how is that possible?
I use to believed if a black cat crosses the road in front of me brings bad luck, why? because I was told so and I also
used to hear stories about black cats bringing bad luck but I never question why? So I thought and believed it must be true .

I used to believe everything I saw on tv,
I thought it mast be true. Why because I saw it I hearted it and I was told so.

These believes were planted in my head from a young age just like so many other believes like the one if I became a good boy I will receive presents from Santa Claus.
I grew up hearing different stories and some of them repeated so often on till they become part of me like cultures, traditions, religions the world is round black cat brings bad lack and many many more.

One of those believes gat me and my friend almost killed.
How so?
I was in a car with a friend of mine, about 250 miters in front of us was a Black cat about to cross the road suddenly my friend said oh no your not gonna cross the road in front of me, Pressed on the Excelerator driving as fast as the car can go, trying not to let the cat cross the road, driving like a maniac we almost had a head on collision with a big Lori.

Just imagine for a second if my friend and I didn’t believe this crap about the Black cat brings bad luck, we would have been driving normally having a conversation just like we were having A conversation about 30 seconds Earlier and the black cat would have ben gone on its own way without us noticing!
Remember A Bad believe can bee fatale !

A teacher told my Dad you will never become a teacher you are not meant to become a teacher or a professor.
This will become true only if you let someone else’s opinion become your reality. My Dad believed in himself that he will become a history professor that’s what he wanted to do he was fascinated about the subject of history so much that he fell in love with history and said this is what I want to do for the rest of my life, teach history.
A long story short, against all odds he become a history professor and he taught history for 29 years, Another 12 years he become a school director as well.
So it really matters what you believe about yourselves and not what others believe about you!

Myself believe was because I didn’t have a college degree I thought I was doomed I was gonna work for the rest of my life as a labor worker and never having time and freedom to do what I love.
I changed my believes according to my wishes and desires my beliefs changed my life according to my wishes and desires.

You too can change your believes according to your wishes and desires!
I know you can everybody can so please don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Thanks for your time and bay for now

Flat earth,Black cat,Santa clause,Tv,Round world,

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