
Why Can't I Just 'Cut Back' on Gluten?

Why Can't I Just 'Cut Back' on Gluten? When getting results from a comprehensive test for gluten sensitivity, like the Wheat Zoomer, some people may have elevated antibodies called "gluteomorpines" which stimulates the opiate receptors in the brain creating an addiction.

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Q: Dr. Tom talks about how you have to be really squeaky clean and you can't even have a little or the antibodies will stay up, it’s so overwhelming.

A: It is so very true. It is overwhelming. I'm just read a study that came out this year and last month that 24th percent of celiac children on gluten-free diet cheat ( 24% means 1 out of 4) because if you don't know how to set it up correctly, it really is difficult if you don’t know what to do. Because wheat is 25% to 40% of all the calories in the “Standard American Diet” come from bread, pasta cookies, muffins, and rolls, etc.

How do you tell people you have to stay away from this stuff? If you’ve got positive antibodies to one of the clumps of poorly digested wheat called gluteomorphines, those antibodies are stimulating the opiate receptors in their brain just like opium would and it’s like an addiction that you have. Those are the people that say, “Oh, I’m not addicted to wheat, I just like it”.

When those antibodies come out positive, we tell people to transition slowly to a gluten-free diet because they may have a difficult time. We recommend starting with a few breakfasts a week that are gluten-free as you learn more food options available to you.

And for those who are transitioning, we sometimes want to rationalize with those elevated gluteomorphins that we are just going to celebrate with a little birthday cake on our birthday. But we wouldn’t rationalize having a little heroin on our birthday right? Because it is stimulating those exact same receptor sites just like heroin does.

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brain health,autoimmunity,holistic health,preventative health,,dr tom,tom o'bryan,dr. tom o'bryan,celiac disease,gluten,gluten summit,you can fix your brain,brain,alternative health,functional medicine,immune system,immune system support,food as medicine,vitamin d,sleep,virus,bacteria,vitamin c,guthealth,microbiome,nutrition,gluteomorphine,gluten addiction,gluten-free,gluten-free diet,leaky gut,

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