This event is sponsored by Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful a community partnership with Saved By Nature and Virtual Photo Walks to bring you virtual nature from the safety and comfort of your home. Thank you to Santa Clara County Parks for making this event possible.
About Saved By Nature is a nonprofit, grassroots organization - our mission is to provide environmental education that is beneficial to people and the environment. We believe all members of the community should have equal access to environmental education and nature.
Virtual Photo Walks - Virtual Photo Walks Japan is a free program
Our mission, is to enable those who are immobilized by disability, illness, age or those facing end of life challenges. To escape their isolation and re-engage with society virtually.
Those whom we will service learn to use mobile video chat tools to virtually participate in events in selected locations around the world, and then use those same tools to engage with their family, friends and to more efficiently interact with their caregivers.
Virtual Photo Walks is a free service, a cause that uses smart phones and video conferencing to enable people isolated by illness or disability to travel the world in real time.
Thanks to our technology partners and a group of dedicated virtual volunteer guides from all over the world, we're able to make the world bigger and brighter for our community of people with disabilities. Our hope is through our efforts, we can make a difference in people's lives. What we do. Watch the movie made about Ayane and VPW she lives in Japan and is bed bound, she can only blinks to communicate.
Could you like our page and share in messenger to someone you know living with disabilities or illness.
If you're living with a disability or illness, ask to join our closed group to be invited to our VPW EVENTS
Please as the first step install www.zoom.us/download the video conferencing app we use.
I will then send you a link so we can do a test.
@John Butterill
Our song
About us old video by Google
Hospice Toronto
Latest news: MS Canada
Saved by Nature - Zoom.us
Ayane - Discovering the World"
Ayane's story:
Ayane lives in Japan and is bed bound, she can only blinks to communicate.
#Zoomtopia19#VirtualPhotoWalks, #JohnButterill #photowalks #photography #photographers #Video #camera #live #livestream #livestreaming #streetphotography #streetart,#Virtual Photo Walks, #Verizon,#Zoomus