A video of Ex-Serviceman Sri. Raman Namboodiri and his wife and school teacher Smt Bindu Ozhukil playing cricket in Mezhathur, Palakkad district has gone viral in the internet.
A routine game of backyard cricket from Mezhathur near Pattambi in Palakkad district has gone viral on social media, propelling Bindu Ozhukil, a 50-something High School Sanskrit teacher, into an internet star overnight.
Her husband Raman Namboodiri, a 58-year-old ex-serviceman, was having a game of cricket with their two college-going sons on Wednesday evening, when Smt. Ozhukil walked in to roll her arm over, sending down a few decent deliveries at her husband (the Batsman).
Her husband and sons were highly amazed and impressed by her 'hitherto unknown' skill and her younger son Navaneeth Krishnan captured a video of his mother’s bowling in his mobile phone. Overwhelmed by a wave of childhood memories when she used to play the game with her cousins at her ancestral home at Nelluvai near Wadakkanchery in Thrissur, Smt. Ozhukil posted the video on Facebook the next day, without having the faintest idea of what would be in store...
#BinduOzhukilCricket #BinduBowling #SchoolTeacherCricket
#Cricket #KeralaCouple #SchoolTeacher #LockDownTimePass #LadyPlayingCricket #BinduOzhukil