
Tensions with China ‘may be inflamed but our self-respect must be protected'

Tensions with China ‘may be inflamed but our self-respect must be protected' While nobody wishes to “inflame tensions” between Australia and communist China, we must “protect our self-respect and deal in facts” as the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic continues to escalate says Sky News host Chris Kenny.

On Friday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison renewed calls for an independent assessment of how COVID-19 originated in China.
The continued push by the prime minister has been met with criticism from within the communist regime.

“Morrison has been right to call for an independent international inquiry and right to stick by it after strident and threatening responses from China,” Mr Kenny said.

He also said, “reports now confirm that Australia is supporting Taiwan's bid to be re-admitted under observer status at the WHO, against China's wishes of course”.

“Again, that's well done by our government”.

Mr Kenny discussed the topic with Former foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer who backed calls for the "common sense" investigation into the deadly virus.


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