Best Obstacle Course Day Ever 1114
Today's best day ever doesn't start with a routine, but a mystery!! When I got in the shower to get ready for the day Adley was in the kitchen eating cereal. But when I got out of the shower, she was gone. I looked all over for her, in our ultimate playroom, in the backyard, I thought maybe she was riding her bike but no. I was about to panic when i thought, maybe I should check our cameras and right there, in Niko's crib is Adley with her ipad. She jumped in there with him and they are watching cartoons!! I go upstairs and get them and Adley helps me do Niko's routine since she's almost all ready.
A little while later, Jenny and Adley have come up with a brand new game. They want to make an obstacle course but with sidewalk chalk. I run out and help them and we come up with the ultimate course; any park would be jealous. We have twists and turns, alligator filled water and lava covered parts. Once the drawing is all done, Adley and I have a race to see who can run the obstacle course fastest and avoid the spooky traps we made. First one to the trampoline wins!
We get to the trampoline and Adley and Niko are both daredevils and want to be thrown in the air. I have a new trick that I think Adley can learn fast, a superman, that when Adley and I do it together, she gets huge air!!
To end this vlog, we have a real talk with you guys. It's about our baby. We give you guys an update on everthing that's going on. It's going to be hard, but that's the challenge of doing these vlogs, is to make everyday the best day ever and we hope you'll join us in that.
Watch Adley's last video: Neighbor Won't Wakeup!! Adley & Dad play pretend Town! Pet Store! Vet Doctor! Food Store! and More! --
Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: 🦴 DiNOSAUR BONES in the BACKYARD!! Adley & Niko Hide n Seek for new Rocks and hidden Gold from Dad --
snag some sweet Spacestation merch ---
Find me on any social media @Shonduras!!
Best Music Ever:
Here's some stuff we use:
Wide Lens:
Zoom Lens:
Sweet Keyboard:
(leave a highfive in the comments if you read this far)