
Pool Sample: ICMR Advises 'New Testing Method' to increase number of COVID-19 Test

Pool Sample: ICMR Advises 'New Testing Method' to increase number of COVID-19 Test ICMR Advises 'New Testing Method' to increase the number of COVID-19 Test (Pool Sample): Number of COVID-19 cases in India is rising exponentially' ln view of this, it is critical to increasing the numbers of tests conducted by laboratories. To increase the capacity of the laboratories to screen increased numbers of samples using molecular testing for COVID-19 for the purpose of surveillance. lt has been demonstrated that performing real-time PCR for COVID-19 by pooling 5 samples of TS/NS (200 ul/sample) is feasible when the prevalence rates of infection are low.
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ICMR Advises 'New Testing Method' to increase number of COVID-19 Test,Pool sample method,COVID-19 testing method,corona virus testing Method,Pool testing method,ICMR pool testing method,pool sample coronavirus testing,

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