
“Live” Led Ashtanga Half Primary Series (Modifications Offered)

“Live” Led Ashtanga Half Primary Series (Modifications Offered) Level 2/3; Alyssa Teaching: Hi Yogis. During COVID-19 I had several students asking me to teach Ashtanga “Live” with them on-line. I had some students that couldn’t make it and they asked me to record it and post. I've also had some join that are new to Ashtanga, so in this class I offer the full posses for those that practice regularly, as well as modifications for those that are new (for example, if you can't do half lotus tree pose is offered; or if you can't do full lotus, crossing your legs is offered). Or if you have injuries, such as knee or neck injuries, modifications are offered to keep you nice and safe! If you get tired of all the chaturangas or your shoulders start bothering you, other options are offered. I’ve practice Ashtanga for about 2.5 years and am by no means an expert. If you’re looking for that go find some excellent videos of K. Pattabhi Jois and his famous students. This is for my students that just like my joking style. The fact that I chant (not well or beautiful), but then call most poses in English instead of Sanskrit. That I do my best, but am far from perfect. Here’s to all the far from perfect Yogis doing their best at Ashtanga!


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