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in this video I'm gonna tell you how to rank higher on every single social media platform with no crazy gimmicks just the
one tip that works everywhere stick around. I am Matt Masur from YouNeedaNerd.com and you know a lot of people are
searching for that secret formula to rank higher on facebook to rank higher on youtube to get more interaction and
more views and more likes and more comments on twitter and linkedin in all these different social media platforms
and while there are a number of differences in different things that you can do there is one key trick it's not
really a trick it's really the only way that you can rank on every single social media platform now before I get into the
specific thing you need to do there's a little bit of ground work and there's chances are if you're looking for a
video like this we've already done this type of groundwork but first and foremost you need to figure out how
these different social networks work because there's some nuances to all of them right Facebook algorithm versus the
LinkedIn algorithm for instance on Facebook they like live video or on LinkedIn they treat video like any other
post it doesn't get any sort of boost these are things that are important to know so you can figure out what you need
to do and how you need to plan it but none of these hacks none of these things that you're searching all over YouTube
for your watching millions of videos and thousands of experts are giving you the way there's really only one way at least
at a bare minimum to get anywhere on any of these social media platforms and the truth is they've been telling us this
all along in fact to give it away in the name that's because the one thing that you need to do to rank higher on Twitter
get more interaction on LinkedIn get more likes on Facebook in all these different places is to use the platforms
be social and what that means is from the accounts that you're trying to promote make sure you are interacting
make sure your all over other people's posts you're adding comments you're liking your sharing you're interacting
you're having conversations when people come to your posts and they share or they like or they comment reply to those
comments thank them for those shares use the system this is the thing that all of these platforms really love it's
what they thrive on it's why they're called social media they want people to be social and when that happens and when
they see all of these different factors the algorithms see these posts getting all these comments and all this
interaction and it's kind of a snowball effect it helps push it through the algorithm so more people see it more people
interact and that's how you go viral but forget about going viral forget about having millions of people see each post
the first thing you have to do is get a few people to see each post you have to grow your network the only way to do
that the only way to succeed on any social media platform whether you're trying to grow sales or just get more
likes on your memes you got to use it folks that's the key tip to all of them I hope that helps my name is matt
measure this has been my matt tip of the day hit me up you need a nerd comm that's my company site venture Technica
what we do there is create content and support other content creators with the technology they need to be a success in
today's modern digital business world thanks for watching I hope you like comment and share