
'Hints' are arising the 'coronavirus nightmare may be coming to an end'

'Hints' are arising the 'coronavirus nightmare may be coming to an end' Sky News host Andrew Bolt says there are now “hints” starting to arise which may suggest “this nightmare may not last as long as you’ve been told” as coronavirus infection rates slow in the nation.

“Prime Minister Scott Morrison today gave his first hint, a small one … that these devastating restrictions might not have to last six months,” Mr Bolt said.

On Friday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison had revealed his government is preparing to enter the “suppression phase” in dealing with the deadly coronavirus pandemic in Australia.

“And the reason we can now start planning for this shift, hopefully this month … is that the Morrison government and the premiers can claim a great victory in keeping the deaths so low," Mr Bolt said.

He also said protecting the elderly and sick should “soon become our priority” in the nation.

Now is the “time to plan the exit strategy” in relation to our strict social distancing and isolation restrictions in the country.

Image: Getty


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