
‘Although unique’ this year’s Anzac Day ‘still a chance to honour our heroes’

‘Although unique’ this year’s Anzac Day ‘still a chance to honour our heroes’ Sky News host Peter Gleeson says this year’s Anzac Day will be like no other as the country faces a deadly pandemic but nevertheless it is still “an opportunity to honour our past military heroics”.

“The celebration of Anzac day on Saturday takes on even greater significance this year, albeit what a weird way we will be commemorating our fallen soldiers,” Mr Gleeson said.

“Dawn services will be desolate; the usual marches will be replaced by solemn gatherings at home”.

Mr Gleeson said Australians are currently battling the deadly coronavirus, a struggle which “has been compared to a war”.

He said the deadly virus is a “silent enemy” which has thus far taken more than 70 Australians as it casualties.

“In some respects, our frontline workers – the doctors, nurses and paramedics – are the heroes of this war”.

“They deserve a medal for their efforts to contain the virus. They deserve to be honoured for their extraordinary selflessness”.

Australians have also been urged to partake in a unique ‘Driveway Dawn Service’ where residents put out a candle on their driveways as a make of respect for the nation’s Anzac heroes.

Image: Getty


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