Posts in this video:
AITA for joking about making sure that my female coworker and I (a guy) would share a room when I book our hotel for our team outing? - by u/am1theassh0le
AITA for blowing up on my friends for sexualizing me constantly? - by u/Devastated511
AITA for turning down everyone's second hand stuff for my baby ? - by u/okicoco
AITA for limiting my parents visit? - by u/froggieslc
WIBTA for kicking my MIL out of my apartment for snooping and using it against us? - by u/throwra_lkahsdjasj
AITA for not “clarifying” my sexuality to my neighbours? - by u/throwawaygay12341
Used assets:
Background from pixabay:
Sounds from freesound.org by newagesoup and supersnd