
127 EU politicians from six parties sign letter supporting Taiwan’s participation in WHO

127 EU politicians from six parties sign letter supporting Taiwan’s participation in WHO Amid the coronavirus pandemic, 127 prominent European politicians have signed two petitions expressing support for Taiwan''s inclusion in the World Health Organization. Signatories include members of the E.U. Parliament and the German Bundestag. Some even went a step further to personally highlight President Tsai''s recent rebuttal of racism allegations from WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.This footage showing the arrival of Taiwan’s donation of one million face masks at Luxembourg Airport has been made into a 20-second video with English subtitles. It is now being shared on the official Twitter page of the European Union. Over one hundred leaders and politicians in the European Parliament and the German Bundestag have voiced their support of Taiwan.Voice of Joanne OuForeign ministry spokespersonA total of 127 European dignitaries from the European Parliament and the German Bundestag have sent joint letters lauding Taiwan and saying how our epidemic response model is worth emulating. The letters also actively support Taiwan’s participation in the WHO.One letter was initiated by E.U. parliament member Ivan ?tefanec of Slovakia. In a few days, the letter was signed by 67 E.U. parliamentarians from six party caucuses. The signatories come from a wide range of countries including Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, the Czech Republic, and others. The letter states that “the WHO’s treatment of Taiwan as part of China has created a problem for Taiwan,” and that “the Taiwanese people are not treated according to the WHO motto of ‘health for all and leave no one behind.’” It affirms Taiwan’s “early vigilance and effective efforts” in containing COVID-19 and asks for Taiwan’s “full participation in both the World Health Assembly as an observer, and the WHO’s disease prevention mechanisms.” As for the joint letter from Germany, it was initiated by Anita Schafer, chairperson of the German-Chinese Association-Friends of Taiwan. The letter addressed to WHO Director-General Tedros is signed by 60 legislators of the German Parliament.Voice of Joanne OuForeign ministry spokespersonThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its sincere thanks for the voice of justice expressed by the 127 European dignitaries. This also goes to show the biasness and intentional falsehoods in WHO Director General Tedros’ statements. We hope Director General Tedros can observe professional ethics and remain impartial, so that the WHO motto of “leave no one behind” can be put into practice.In a press release, the Foreign Ministry expressed thanks for the support of all those who came forward to back Taiwan. One of the Taiwan supporters, Ulrich Lechte, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag, went a step further by sharing President Tsai’s recent Tweet in response to Dr. Tedros’ accusation of racism on the part of Taiwan. In its battle against COVID-19, Taiwan has demonstrated not only its accomplishments in disease control, but also improved its foreign relations on the international stage.

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