
Facts About Iron Man That The MCU Completely Ignored

Facts About Iron Man That The MCU Completely Ignored The MCU might star more superheroes than you can shake an Infinity Gauntlet at, but it's really the story of Tony Stark. But how close is the MCU's Tony to the comic book Tony? Here are the things about Iron Man that just didn't make it to the MCU.

One of the most surprising things about the cinematic version of Iron Man is that the MCU never adapted "Demon in a Bottle," the story that's pretty much defined Tony Stark as a character since it was originally published in 1979. If you know one thing about the comics version of Iron Man beyond "rich guy," "wears armor" and "has a mustache," it's this story, but in case you're not familiar with it, here's the short version. As the name implies, this is the one where Tony deals with his alcoholism and its consequences, even being kicked out of the Avengers before he's finally forced to confront it and go into recovery.

In the years since, Tony's struggles with addiction and his occasional relapses have been an intrinsic part of his ongoing story, and despite its age, "Demon in a Bottle" itself has been praised as one of the best comics to ever mix superheroic action with important real-life issues. Tony has even been a central figure in helping other characters deal with their own similar issues — most notably Carol Danvers, who's also portrayed as recovering alcoholic.

Of course, while it's not explored with the depth and consistency that we see in the comics, Tony's drinking problem is pretty heavily alluded to in Iron Man 2. It comes to a head in the scene where he gets drunk and winds up tearing up his own living room in a super-powered fistfight with War Machine.

That's it, though, and the fact that such a humanizing, relatable, and important aspect of his character is only mentioned briefly is surprising, especially when you consider that other issues like PTSD are central to the plots of Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and even Captain America: Civil War. It's a pretty big deal, and making three Iron Man movies and another five or six where he's a central character without getting into it is almost like making a Superman movie where nobody ever mentions he can fly.

The defining moment of the first Iron Man movie which ends up being one of the definitive moments of the entire MCU comes in its very last line, when Tony Stark ditches S.H.I.E.L.D.'s script and publicly reveals that he's the one who's been wearing the armor. Keep watching the video to see all the facts about Iron Man that the MCU completely ignored.

#IronMan #MCU #TonyStark

Demon in a Bottle | 0:00
The secret identity | 2:05
The Illuminati | 4:23
Ties to the Government | 6:04
That time his suit came to life | 7:52
Teen Tony! | 9:42

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