Every once in awhile, a Kickstarter cancels after hitting its funding goal. Which can be frustrating. Why put down a funding goal if it isn't accurate? Why cancel after you've "succeeded"? Is it wrong? Should we expect more?
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TimeStamps: 0:00:00 - Intro & Topic of the Day 0:00:48 - In Too Deep Kickstarter Cancellation 0:02:10 - Fake Funding Goals 0:04:28 - Realistic Funding Goal Attempt 1 0:04:55 - The Manipulative Aspect of Funding Goals & Stretch Goals 0:07:29 - The Purpose and Aim of Fake Funding Goals 0:08:12 - Realistic Funding Goal Attempt 2 0:09:40 - More Cancelled Kickstarters/Fake Funding Goals 0:10:15 - Attacking Companies that Cancel Kickstarters 0:15:48 - Tanares Adventures 0:17:28 - Closing
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