
The Most Interesting Man in Creative Engineering

The Most Interesting Man in Creative Engineering Contrary to popular belief, I’m a professional.

But I hate being PC, as you can tell by my scanning my timeline. 🤣

Like Frfr. 🤦🏽‍♂️

Life is about having fun. Not living like Dilbert.

Although many folks adopt that Corp lifestyle because it brings them safety & comfort in knowing that they belong to something.

Can’t forget the fact that sometimes the checks are pretty fat too.

In my 10+ year career, I’ve taught at the collegiate level, worked on several blockbuster films, and jacked-of-all-trades several awesome tech companies.

I’ve learned a lot about my personality throughout the lifetime of each and every one of those experiences.

I definitely have an ongoing, “Mack Don’t Like”, spreadsheet somewhere in my Google Drive.

And believe me when I tell you this...

It’s dense!

So dense, that I now realize that I should be my own boss.

Like, it’s hard for me to work for an incompetent manager. Trust me, I can list quite a few.

But that’s besides the real point that I want to make.

I’m wondering...

Have any of you come to this realization yet?

If so, what have you done to remove yourself from that situation?

In film, my friends classify my exit strategy as: “I’m pulling a Mack.”

In tech, baby boomers simply classify me as an entitled millennial.

That is mainly due to their insecurities. Obviously! 🤣

Millenials are still drinking from the fountain of youth. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Shhiiiiiid, my hair has even started to grow back.

No more old bald man Mack. That shit was whack.

Mr. Steal Your Girl/Watch Your Daughters is Back!!!

Ok, I let my bravado out a bit. So, let me tuck it back in.

Humility is key, right!?!


Or at least that’s what the old heads like to say.

Look, along the way, I’ve learned a lot.

One of my key takeaways from working with so many folks, is that you should always champion your colleagues while there around and also after they’ve moved on to their next role.

The video that I’m sharing with you today, is probably one of my most favorite championing moments at Google.

Which, also created some controversy and internal grumblings.

But, I’ll tell that story another time.

I had to show some love to my Lead Engineering partner in crime after his departure. No matter what!

He’s definitely enjoying life back in Russia.

I call it: The Most interesting Man In Creative Engineering


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