
Taking a Seat (with Audio Description)

Taking a Seat (with Audio Description) Transcript

[Upbeat Music]

Audio Description (AD): [Taking a Seat]
AD: [Flowers in a vase on a shelf]
AD: [Manny and Robyn enter the café]

Amy Barrett-Lennard - Orientation and Mobility Specialist] This video shows Robyn guiding Manny to a chair at the table. So Robyn places her guiding hand on the back of the chair, and indicates where the table is located.

This allows Manny to trail down Robyn's arm and find the chair. Robyn then steps back and allows Manny to pull out the chair and take a seat at the table.

So, while you don't want to over complicate things when you're guiding someone into a seat it is important to mention whether the chair has arms and whether it's on casters.

AD: [Jade smiles, waiter places coffee on the table, Ryan takes a sip of coffee].

[Upbeat music continues and fades out]

GuidingTechniques; VisAbility; Disability; VisionImpairment; Blindness; Accessibility; AD,

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