
San Diego: Neighborhood Terrorist 04042020

San Diego: Neighborhood Terrorist 04042020 INCIDENT DATE/TIME: 4-4-20 9:30 am approx
LOCATION: Paradise Valley Rd & Potomac St
CITY: San Diego

A male who has been arrested at least 4 times for crimes committed in this neighborhood was arrested again this morning. Today’s incident will be his 3rd arrest in 3 weeks, and he keeps getting out of jail and the neighborhood is upset and ready to commit neighborhood justice on this person.

This morning, he was seen breaking a windshield of a car on Potomac Street, and as he approached several people from the apartment complex, he pulled out a pair of gardening shears and started to threaten the people. One of the males in the group went to defend the women and followed the suspect into Potomac Park, and the other folks called the Police.

As the male walked towards the Park, he dropped a car stereo that was stolen from another vehicle that morning. The two males squared off on each in the middle of the street and as the officers were arriving, the suspect started to walk away. The suspect was detained by the Police.

Prior to the arson, he has been seen breaking windows of the various neighborhood vehicles and stealing property from the cars, and he is also suspected of starting fires in the general area. He is transient and keeps coming back after getting out of jail.

On 3/19/20, the suspect was arrested for lighting a car on fire on the same street, and he was caught.

Last week, the suspect attacked a resident with a machete but was beaten down by the victim, and the suspect was arrested and taken to jail.


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