
Month 6 on 60 mg Isotretinoin, commonly known as Accutane

Month 6 on 60 mg Isotretinoin, commonly known as Accutane Coping with acne is difficult in so many ways. Please know that you are not alone. You can still live a full life with acne, even while experiencing intense breakouts. With the support of others who are also struggling with acne, you will begin to learn to accept your condition and move forward. My hope is that you will go out into the world with your head held high on a bad acne day. Don't let this stressful skin condition take you over.

I hope that my videos will help illustrate how effective accutane can be. There is always a chance that my acne will come back and that I will need treatment again, that is just the reality of many health issues. This is my second time on accutane, the only medication that has been able to help clear my severe cystic acne. I'm grateful to have access to this medication. Thanks so much for your support and subscribing to my channel, it means the world to me.

I am also documenting my process via instagram

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