

HOW TO FIND YOUR PURPOSE HOW TO FIND YOUR PURPOSE - A strategy to determine what you should be doing that's fulfilling to you

Most people are burdened with the notion they 'must' have a vision and a 'purpose'.

I'd like you to think about this 'critically'...

Humans are the only species which burdens themselves, as individuals, with purpose.

To ask what your purpose is, is the same as asking what the meaning of life is.

The meaning of life is the meaning you give it. In other words, your purpose is whatever you determine it to be in this moment.

AND THAT COULD CHANGE. And YOU MAY NOT HAVE ONE right now, and that's perfectly fine.

You don't need a purpose. It's great to have one as it allows you filter out things that are waste of your time. But it's not necessarily to what TRULY counts... your self-satisfaction and happiness about yourself.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have a goal or a mission. In fact, I advocate you should have one as it really clarifies what things are worth your while and what things are likely not going to get you the outcomes you'd LIKE.

How you discover your purpose is through experience.

As you experience more and more things, the more you'll find things that suit you and things that you'd like to pursue deeper and further.

Some of these things you'll determine you'd like to reach a goal and so you determine what that goal is, you set out a mission towards that goal (we'll cover mission statements on another time), and create action items towards the achievement of that goal.

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What are you working on currently?

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Enroll in our online course, the Great Relationship University, and be a part of a fantastic group of people determined with a "burden-free purpose"!
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